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How PRP Therapy Can Help with Skin Rejuvenation

If you are struggling with aging skin, then you may be on the hunt for an anti-aging treatment, that will bring back the youthful glow you once enjoyed. Fortunately, there are countless innovative options available on the market today, depending on your budget and aesthetic needs. One potential solution is PRP therapy. If you are wondering how PRP therapy can help with skin rejuvenation, then you have come to the right place.

What is PRP Therapy?

Platelet-rich plasma, also known as PRP, is a preparation of platelets in concentrated plasma. Due to the fact that this plasma contains various natural growth factors, PRP therapy can be used on its own or in conjunction with certain surgical procedures and clinical treatments.

During a PRP procedure, your doctor will take a small sample of your own blood and place the blood in a centrifuge, thus separating the PRP from the red blood cells. Once that is complete, the PRP will then be injected into the treatment site.

What Are the Benefits of PRP for Skin Rejuvenation?

When it comes to using PRP therapy to rejuvenate your skin, the treatment area is cleaned and the PRP is injected into the site. For example, if you are seeking to remove forehead wrinkles, the PRP will be injected in this location. This injection will stimulate the regeneration of fresh, new skin cells, replacing the old, tired and aged cells that you are seeking to remove. As your body naturally flushes out the old cells, the new skin cells will create a tighter, more energetic and youthful appearance on your face. As a result, you will be left with the beautiful, youthful skin you have been seeking.

Because this is an outpatient procedure, most patients experience little discomfort and few side effects. Additionally, since PRP therapy relies on the body’s own healing properties, you can rest assured that your new visage will look and feel natural.

So, if you are considering PRP therapy as an anti-aging treatment, you have come to the right place. Our team, led by Dr. Richard Martin, has helped patients in the Colchester, Mystic, Waterford and Glastonbury communities regain the glowing skin they desire. Are you ready to learn more about what PRP therapy can do for your skin? Then do not hesitate to contact us to schedule an appointment.