What is a Body Lift?
A body lift is one or more procedures that lifts sagging skin, removes cellulite and tighten muscle tissue. Body lifts address shape and tone of the abdominal area, thighs, and/or buttocks. This procedure is tailored to address the specific needs of each patient.
How Much Does a Body Lift in Norwich Cost?
A body lift is a very unique treatment, and different areas of focus carry different costs. The doctor will discuss your choices and the resulting cost during your consultation. We offer numerous financing, and we accept cash, check and credit card payments.
Benefits of a Body Lift
The benefits of a body lift are both cosmetic as well as practical. Removal of excess skin reduces heaviness and the feeling of being weighed down. Practically, this surgery can remove excess skin that may other cause chafing and lead to infection.
Who Is The Ideal Candidate for a Body Lift?
The ideal candidate for a body lift is someone who has undergone a radically significant weight loss, and who has a large amount of excess skin hanging from different areas of the body.
What Do I Need To Do Before a Body Lift?
Your weight should be stable for at least three months, and you must stop smoking a minimum of four weeks before this procedure. You may be required to stop certain medications or supplements leading up to your surgery. Fill your prescriptions before surgery and have prepared food, shakes and supplements on hand for after your surgery. Have a caretaker in your residence for at no less than a week. Consider purchasing a recliner as this will put your body in its ideal position during the healing process and arrange for alternate care for pets and children for no less than two weeks. Ultimately, though, no two body lifts are alike, and your surgeon will give you specific instructions.
How Long Does It Take to Perform a Body Lift?
Body lift surgery takes anywhere from four to seven hours to complete.
What To Expect After a Body Lift
You will be given specific instructions after your surgery is complete, and it is essential that these instructions be followed. Dressings will likely come off about three days after surgery, but drainage will stay in for up to four weeks. Avoid bending or straining any muscles in the initial weeks after surgery. Those healing well should return to regular activities within two to three weeks.
Will I Have Scars After a Body Lift?
Yes, although Dr. Martin will work for minimal scarring and incision placement in areas that are not easily seen.
When Will I See The Results?
Post-surgery swelling will prevent you from seeing the full results right after surgery. Most of the swelling should abate within three months, allowing you to see yourself fully.
How Long Will The Results of a Body Lift Last?
The results of a body lift are intended to be long-lasting but may be affected by weight changes or pregnancy.
Connecticut Surgical Arts is passionately committed to reflecting your inner beauty. Using the latest and most advanced procedures for cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, our team offers full body plastic surgery, emphasizing overall health and wellness to the residents of Norwich, Mystic, Colchester, Waterford, Glastonbury, and the surrounding communities in Connecticut. Contact us today for a complimentary consultation.