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Get Rid of Your Crow’s Feet in Time For The Holidays

There is a plethora of ways to make your skin look and feel better. But what anti-aging treatment choice is best for you?


An injection of hyaluronic acid—a naturally occurring chemical in the body that is lost with age—is what makes up Restylane®. Even though it is given with the primary purpose of smoothing lines and wrinkles from your face, this procedure also slows down the signs of aging as a whole as it naturally improves the hydration process. The results of treatment can be expected to last up to a year post-treatment.

Because Restylane® is all natural, it is immediately recognized and absorbed by the body. The process takes about an hour and has no downtime. There won’t be any scarring after your treatment. All of these facts make Restylane® one of the quickest and easiest ways to get rid of crow’s feet.


One of the most common treatments for crow’s feet is Botox®, an injection of a muscle relaxer. It helps to strengthen the skin around your eyes to give you a more youthful appearance. You will, of course, have to be examined by the doctor to be cleared for the procedure, but once you are, the whole process should only take about 15 minutes. There shouldn’t be any swelling or scarring after the procedure, so you’ll be able to return to your usual activities immediately after.

It may take up to a week to see results, but they will continue to last for the next four to six months.


It is important to have a good skin cream, but this alone may not give you the results you want as quickly or as strongly. Pairing a moisturizer with the procedure can help to prepare your skin to ensure a better result. Continuous use after the anti-aging treatment will help the results to last longer.

Other Anti-Aging Treatments

Our office offers alternatives to the injections such as facials and masks. All anti-aging treatments are made to help rejuvenate the skin by moisturizing it and strengthening the muscles.

Each of these options is provided by our Norwich office, built to serve the communities of Colchester, Mystic, Waterford, and Glastonbury. For more information contact us at Connecticut Surgical Arts today.